Nina has a visionary instinct to help brands create visual imagery that speak to their core language through concept design, photography and cinematography.

She began her career in Finland in 2004 and has expanded her scope into the American market after a fruitful career in Scandinavia. As a respected professional in the field of visual arts, Nina has devoted herself to the award-winning fashion and advertising photography and art direction across the globe.

She has teamed with prestigious brands such as Adidas, Max Factor, Marimekko, Artek, Iittala, Pratima, Finnair and Samuji to direct and photograph noteworthy advertising campaigns internationally.

As a visual artist, Nina has collaborated with many of the world’s leading design brands. Her work has been exhibited in New York, Paris, London and Berlin. Most recently, she has held an exhibition in the prestigious Hole gallery in New York City.

Nina has received the Elle award for top fashion photographer and has been a featured judge on Finland’s Top Model.

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